In my years of experience with Microsoft Windows, I have never seen anyone with the start bar on the top of the screen. No one, that is, except me. Yep. On my laptop, I have my start bar (or "Windows Bar" or whatever you want to call it), on the top of my screen, as demonstrated in the picture above.
I like it.
It's unique, and plus, it makes it easier to quickly check what song is playing in Windows Media Player, or for Twitteroo updates. Plus, it's a sure way to impress (or weird out) friends. To discover which, I'm adding a new poll to SSS, asking what you think. Am I weird or smart? You decide. :)
Why not switch to Linux? Its bar is automatically at the top. :)
My start bar has been along the left side of the monitor for years, and I couldn't have it any other way.
Fluffy Bunny Slippers: Good point. I've used Linux some, I just don't have the time to do a full OS switch.
Christopher: I tried that, I didn't like it though.
Man, I'm never going to be able to use your computer. I'd keep forgetting where it was, and it would really bug me. Maybe next time we're over, the start bar will mysteriously move to the bottom of the page where it belongs.....
If you want to be REALLY cool with the XP start bar, you have to download an external theme and start menu.
(I use Ubuntu)
Yep, that's pretty weird. One time, I accidentally got the start bar to the right side of the screen, but I put it back on the bottom. I would say you're a Unique Geek, though.
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