Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Unique!

The votes are counted (sheesh, even I can count to 5) and the result is that I'm unique! Closely followed by both weird and unique.


Kiwi da Fruit said...

I think I voted for both. Yes, you're definately... unique! ;-P

Matt said...

Yep, I am indeed.

Kiwi da Fruit said...

PLEASE read my new blog!!!! I have TWO posts on it already, but NOOOOO comments!!! I do have a follower, by the way (thank you:^), but NO comments!!!! And I hate having NO comments! Because I get on the computer, expecting comments and find....(guess what?) NOOOOOO comments!!!! So PLEASE comment!!!! You can say ANYTHING you want! I don't care! But I'm in a weird mood right now, and I feel like BUGGING someone, and it may as well be you and your sister!!! So comment soon!

Kiwi da Fruit said...

By the way, the address is www.theoldmovieblogbykiwi.blogspot.com!!! (without the exclamation points!!)

Kiwi da Fruit said...

By the way, just so ya know, I'm rather hyper today. 8^D

Joshua said...

Hmm. That makes you very unique, and a little weird (but you can't escape that - everybody's a little weird). And as for the taskbar itself, I'm surprised that more people don't move it. Thanks to your inspiration, I am trying it at the top of the screen as well.

Joshua said...

After using the taskbar at the top of the screen for two days, I have concluded that you are not unique, because I have decided to keep it this way as well. And you may be weird, but it's not because of this. You're just smart.

Matt said...

Well, Joshua, we can be (weird) unique geeks together. :)